Hawke's Bay

The 2024 Hawke's Bay Young Grower of the Year competition will be held on Thursday 6 June and Friday 7 June 2024.

For more information on the Hawke's Bay Young Fruit Grower competition, click the button below. 

Hawke's Bay Young Fruit Grower website

The competition is open to commercial fruit growers from the Hawke's Bay region. Contestants will be tested on a range of theoretical and practical modules designed to test their horticultural skills and knowledge. The gala dinner will round off the day's activities with speeches from each contestant and the announcement of the 2024 Hawke's Bay Young Fruit Grower of the Year winner. 

Young Grower Hawke's Bay contact:

Hawke's Bay Fruitgrowers Association


Day competition:

6th June -  7.45am - 4pm

Lindisfarne College  -  Ranui Field, Lyndhurst Road

Email for more information

Awards dinner and leadership panel:

7th June

Toitoi: Hawke's Bay Arts & Events Centre
109 Hastings Street South, Eastbourne Corner, Hastings, 4122

Buy gala dinner tickets


2024 Hawke's Bay contestants

Pics HB Brooke Hunter

Brooke Hunter

Pics HB Danielle Sammons

Danielle Sammons

Pics HB Fono Iopu

Fono Iopu

Pics HB Grace Fulford

Grace Fulford

Pics HB Jesse Wall

Jesse Wall

Pics HB Leander Archer

Leander Archer

Pics HB Maicha Slade

Maicha Slade

Pics HB Matthew Wilton

Matthew Wilton